400 - 800 SQ. FEET FLATS
400 - 800 平方呎單位

美華大廈 屋內客飯廳相連,以白色和木色為主,營造帶有溫暖感而又簡約的居庭。木紋門位和櫃子,布藝傢俱等亦增加設計的質感與層次。飯廳背牆則融合收納櫃,地方更見用。廚房和洗手間以白色為主,點綴以木色,達到窗明几淨的效果。 MEE WAH BUILDING The living room and dining room are connected together. We use white color and wooden texture as the main elements to create a simple but warm house. Wooden doors and fabric-covered furniture make the interior design more meticulous. The kitchen and toilets are neat and tidy whilst there is a storage wall panel in the dining room to use the space more effectively.

大埔中心 單位面積不算大,在陳設和擺位安排上,我們都花了不少心思,務求將空間發揮最大的效用。我們訂做了合適尺寸的桌椅組合,讓小巧的客廳能安放沙發組合和用餐位置。落地入牆式大櫃和暗門設定,讓門位好像「隱形」一般,使空間更俐落寬敞。主人房後牆和牆身都用上幾何圖案,互相呼應,清新又簡潔。孩子房間用上碌架床,善用地方。床子亦色彩繽紛,讓孩子們可以輕鬆休息。 TAI PO CENTRE The flat is relatively smaller and so we decided to use the space effectively. There are bespoke sofa and table sets so that they can be all put in the living room. We tried to make the doors and wardrobes less visible so as to make the house look more spacious. The master room is decorated with patterns while the children's room is decorated with colors. The design is nice and functional.

MONTEREY TOWER III 這個單位用上大量木面的面板和傢私,強調自然日式感覺。玄關、客廳和睡房都添有不同擺放擺設的層板,以點綴倘大的空間,讓室內整體更有趣味,空間更有層次。由於廚房比較小巧,我們拆了飯廳旁的牆身,改造穿透的木條面板和吧臺,方便沖調飲品或處理簡單食材。 MONTEREY TOWER III We use a lot of wooden furniture and wall panels in the flat to emphasize on Japanese style and atmosphere. There are different display areas to enrich the space and add an aesthetic sense to the design. Since the kitchen is relatively small, we prepare an extra bar table for coffee and simple kitchen work handling.

MONTEREY TOWER II 全屋以大量白色設計,加以少少點綴色,明澄中見時尚。裝修以簡約休閒為主,低調中見居家品味。設計採用開放式廚房設計,打通客廳,更有空間感。睡房後牆用上灰藍色,顏色的滲入讓牆身成為焦點。大床下安裝地臺,幫助收納和區間睡房。 MONTEREY TOWER II The house is mostly white with a little accent color. This makes it more stylish. The interior design is in a simple and subtle style. The kitchen is open to the living room and makes it more spacious. The wall at the back of the master room is in grayish blue color and so it becomes the focus of the room. There is a platform deck under the bed for zoning and storage purposes.

MONTEREY TOWER I 小清新之選,別緻的兒童房、靜謐的主人套房,加上精心佈置的客、飯廳,絕對適合一家幾小口創造和諧新居。兒童房共有兩層床位,用特別設計的木樓梯相連,一個房間能住兩個兒童但規格仍很大器。主人房設計特別,安裝了地台。不用床架的設定,帶點日式的感覺。客、飯廳相連,點綴以壁畫、陳列和裝飾,地方不算大,但感覺精緻。 MONTEREY TOWER I There are 2 decks in the kids' room connected with a wooden staircase. Even there is only 1 room for 2 kids, but it still looks nice. There is a platform deck in the master room and the beddings are just put directly on it. It looks a bit like a Japanese home style. The flat is not big but it is exquisite on a whole.

麗港城 我們用上圖案牆紙、鏡面設計、原木等元素,設計帶點英式小心思,點點花巧,為居室帶點雅緻的點綴,靜謐而美麗。電視牆貼上印花牆紙,為客廳聚焦。偏廳綴有鏡面牆,低調而對比,為廳面增加空間感。廚房則用上透明木框趟門,既配合混原木設定,也適度增加通透感。 LAGUNA CITY There are different design elements for the flat like patterned wallpaper, reflective materials, and wood which help to make the interior design more refined. The television wall is of a floral pattern while the wall of the dining room is reflective. They contrast with each other and make a good balance. The door of the kitchen is made of glass which makes the house more spacious.

維景灣畔 房子設計用上了一些飽和度較高的顏色再點綴以點點金色,氛圍變得更大器。空間更好用。主力牆帶灰杏色,沙發更帶飽和顏色,讓構成更有趣。客廳座地燈和茶几都用了金色,點綴屋子,看上去 更大器。飯廳訂做陳列兼容收納的組合櫃,更有特式。其中兩間房也打通了,變成主人房和衣帽間,雙人床三面落床,兩側有陳列和收納兼容的櫃子和連牆訂做的書桌,既實用又美觀。 OCEAN SHORES We use higher saturation colors accented with little gold furniture to make it look grand. The focus wall is in beige and the sofa in blue which makes the compositions interesting. Two rooms are made into the master room with cloakroom. There are also bespoken wardrobe and desk in the room to make space more functional.

港景峰 II 這次我們以比較北歐的風格來設計,以布藝和木質等自然的材質為主,點綴以青綠和淡黃等清新的顏色,家居看上去賞心悅目,住戶也會感到舒適寫意。客廳備有柔軟的巨大沙發床,増加份量。電視牆另綴突起木板牆,多添焦點。客廳放有青綠色的擺件和盆栽,更加清新。飯廳都以自然素材的傢俱為主,配搭特別設計陳列和收納兼容的櫃子,美觀又實用。房間設計都很寫意,雙人床做到三面落床。房間另設小區閱讀和休暇用。閱讀區可多用途用,兼納衣櫃開門位,節省地方。 THE VICTORIA TOWERS II This is a nordic design that mainly consists of natural materials like wood and fabric. We put some plants and green props in the flat to make it look fresh and relaxing. The master room is in nice design also and there is a reading zone for relaxing me time.

港景峰 I 我們在大廳上用上很多藝術型的大型擺件,吸引眼球,也增加存在感,讓客人一進來就感到強效的格調。客廳掛上超大型油畫,與淺灰色的電視牆,互相呼應,形成很好的對比和平衡。客廳亦放有同樣 Monotone 的大型沙發和設計型座臺地燈,格調盡顯。睡房亦用上Monotone的床,和低明度圖案牆紙作點綴,視覺效果強烈。 THE VICTORIA TOWERS I We use large furniture and props for the flat, so it is more eye-catching and outstanding. There is a grey wall in the living room as the focus. There are monotone pieces of furniture like the sofa and bed which are more stylish and contrast with great visual impact.

康怡花園 單位以木色點綴以 MONOTONE 黑白灰色,増加層次和美感。開放式的廚房設計,讓空間感更大。各房間的設計亦各有特式,貫徹美感。電視牆加入灰色的牆身,増加客廳的焦點。部份灰色的組合櫃和黑白灰的電器傢俱,與木色融合亦増添型格。主人房亦有一道灰色的牆,増加層次和視覺焦點。 KORNHILL We use wood as the main color accented with monotone colors to increase aesthetics. The grey walls, cupboards, and mod look furniture make the design look more stylish. The kitchen is open to the living room and helps to make it look more spacious.

杏花村 單位佈局上較多角,我們善用佈局中每個角落,形成不同的分區,包括客廳、飯廳、鋼琴和閱讀區域,空間用途更清析。木色主色、木料和布藝傢俱都加添居家感覺。點綴以一些黑色的鐡藝傢俱和擺件,讓家裡和諧也帶型格。矮櫃和條子屏風,巧妙分開客廳、飯廳、閱讀區等不同分區。鐡藝傢俱則加添型格感。 HENG FA CHUEN There are relatively more angles in the flat. We use a cabinet and slit panel to simply divide the flat into different zones including the living room, dining room, and music zone. We add little black industrial furniture into the flat to make it more stylish.

和豐樓 全屋傢俱度身訂製,多以木料為主,配搭白色等淺色主色,營造自然溫馨的居室。大廳訂製大型電視組合櫃,放置視聽產品和音響。地板亦重新鋪設。玄關以附有 Slit Panel,既幫助Zoning 又可以裝飾。主人房訂做雙人大床,尺寸大小剛剛好。書臺都特別訂製,貼合房間的角位,善用分寸。做起全部廚櫃、灶頭、抽油煙機和洗滌處。洗手間用上花紋磚面,更有層次。 WO FUNG BUILDING The furniture is mainly bespoke and made of wooden materials that contrast with the main white color. In the foyer area, there is a slit panel for zoning and decoration. There is also premium wooden grain flooring also. In the master room, there are bespoke double bed and desk which fit the size of the room well. The Extractor hood, stove, and cabinets are already in the kitchen. Patterned tiles are used in the washroom and make the visual more enriched.

彩興苑 全屋裝修,重新做廚房及廁所,客、飯廳,及兩間睡房。全屋用上白色、淺木色等輕一點的顏色,增加舒適感。主人房則用上透明趟門,空間感更加増。透明趟門加有金屬框,更有實在感。 CHOI HING COURT We prepared a complete renovation for this house. We use white and light wood as the main elements to make the design light and comfortable. The sliding door between the master room and living room is made of glass. This makes the house more spacious. The sliding door is embedded in a metal frame to make it look more nice and concrete.

凱樂苑 II 客廳與飯以線條面板作適度區隔,同時點綴家居。電視旁亦點綴以凹凸直條紋面板,使設計能以線條得以豐富。飯廳用了線條結構的椅子和擺件,更設合主題。主人房雙人床選擇靠𥦬擺放,能看到𥦬外景色,也能運用天然採光,相得益彰。屋內同時亦間出客房,床頭訂造了入牆衣櫃,節省空間。廚房也訂造了木色組合櫃和白色吊櫃,配合屋內整體顏色。洗手間也用上木色櫃子。牆身則用上雲石紋瓷磚,豐富圖紋也易於清潔。 HOI LOK COURT II There is a slit panel between the living room and dining room as zoning as well as decoration. There is a striped wooden panel next to the TV to use lines to enrich the space. There are lines-shaped chairs and props in the dining room to fit the theme design. There are tailor-made cabinets in different areas. They are all wooden in color to make the design consistent and soft.

凱樂苑 I 客廳露台用上透明玻璃間隔,可以運用天然採光,配合主要淺木的裝修,室內更光猛又溫暖 。露台空間可日曬晾衫,也可當成休閒的閱讀角落,十分寫意。戶主有養小貓,客廳加裝玻璃貓屋,增 加寵物活動空間,與主人有更多的互動。電視牆用上雲石磚面,更顯高雅。主人房訂造落地衣櫃、連雙人床和床頭几,設計更一致。床底增加地台,方便儲物。廚房也用上木紋的碗櫃,配合全屋的設計。 HOI LOK COURT I We use a glass sliding door to separate the balcony and living room so that the light outside could penetrate the room. The balcony could be a corner for drying clothes and reading. There is a cat corner including a glass case in the living room also. There is a marble patterned TV wall to add elegance to the living room. The furniture is also tailor-made to make the design more consistent.

康翠臺 單位用上 Monotone 及湖水綠點綴色,清新又新鮮。客廳和睡房主力牆都用上不同圖案和顏色 ,更有層次 。主人房主力牆也用上湖水綠,搭配小盆栽,清新怡人。床下加增地台,更多收納空間。書房桌子和落地櫃子相連、訂造傢俱更能善用空間和角落。廚房採用透明玻璃門,增加空間感。廚房吊櫃也一致用上湖水綠點綴,牆身亦用上不同圖案和大小的階磚,更顯層次。 GREENWOOD TERRACE We use monotone colors accented with turquoise to make it fresh. We also use different colors and patterns for the main panel of the living room and master room. The main wall panel of the master room is in turquoise color also. By putting some potted plants, it looks green and fresh. The furniture is all tailor-made to use the space more wisely. There is a glass door for the kitchen to make it look more spacious. With turquoise cabinets and tiles in different patterns, the design of the kitchen looks richer.

灣景花園 客廳屬於傳統的長方大廳,所以整個設計佈局重於兩邊牆身。戶主用品、雜物比較多,因此,我們安排了兩個高櫃在側邊,方便大量貯物。客廳添置了玻璃飾櫃,擺放珍藏手辦,成為屋內焦點。 BAYVIEW GARDEN Our client needs lots of area for storage. We design 2 ceiling-high cabinets for enormous storage. Our client also gets lots of precious figures. We help to display them in a glass showcase on top. Everyone who comes into the house could enjoy the fine pieces and it becomes a focus of the living room.

健威花園 這是一個全開放式的單位,室內無多餘間隔牆,戶主盡享自由無拘無束的寬敞空間。我們以黑色型酷物料落墨,亦沒有多餘陳列,展現出純粹的極簡主義。客廳簡單的几桌,就裝在牆身上,顯出極簡純粹感。浴室拆除了原則磚牆,用上玻璃幕牆和電簾裝置,加強空間感。廚房展現了不一樣的高冷氛圍,是設計中心。 HEALTHY GARDENS The client loves freedom. Therefore, we design nearly no door in the house. All the areas are open include the bedroom and kitchen. The toilet is made of a glass window with a machine - operated shield to reinforce the open and free concept. We use dark wood and stainless steel materials without too much decoration to present the minimal stylish concept.

港運城 為年輕夫婦,設計上要有格調一點,主要用黑白灰構造出整個室內空間。客廳呈鑽石形,我們在中間加了黑色條子和陳列飾櫃,作用色上的平衡及分割空間。一入門口即可看到敞大客廳,簡潔的陳列櫃也提供大量收納空間。條子間隔後面亦附有飾櫃,可以擺放精緻的擺件。 ISLAND PLACE Our client is a young couple. We would like to design a more stylish house for them. We use mainly monotone to do the finishings. The living room is in a diamond shape. Therefore, we add a black slit panel with a glass showcase behind for better zoning and visual balance.

新都城 屋內沒有走廊,所有房門都與客廳連接,所以我們把廚房及浴室的門連接電視牆做了暗門,並配以壁畫,使其牆身加闊,空間亦大增。壁畫 是客廳焦點,入屋已吸引客人目光。趟枱則可以收納起來,使客廳變得更大更見用。 THE METRO CITY There is no corridor in the flat. Therefore, the doors of all rooms are connected to the living room. To make it more stylish and spacious, we design a large digital print on the main wall with doors hidden. It is the main focus of the living room and the visitors will be amazed by such a visual impact. With the continuous digital print on the wall, it seems like the wall is widened and the flat looks more spacious.

豐盛苑 客廳設計以日式的簡約設計為主,用上了淺木色的地板,各房間的門亦用上淺色木,增加自然氣息。飯廳位置加建日式木地台,是朋友間的活動空間,營造休閒寫意的小角落。木地台中更增設自動升降台,可使空間變化更多,切合戶主的生活態度。 FUNG SHING COURT The most special design of this flat is the reading corner. Our client loves simple and comfortable design. Therefore, we use the Japanese style as the main concept. There is a double-decked platform floor at the reading corner for clear zoning from the living room. There is a hidden table at the center so that the owner who loves books can enjoy reading, tea, and sunlight there. The house is mainly made of wooden materials so to emphasize the Japanese taste. There are different wooden partitions and plants in the house to make it more natural and let the guests feel at ease.

牽晴間 讓客廳更有聚焦,我們用上了石牆,特別的紋路與顏色,使之成為客廳焦點。而其中更與飯廳碳灰色牆形成很好的對比,令碳灰牆上的相架更為突出,空間感覺更為平衡。 DAWNING VIEWS There is a textured brick wall in the living room to give it color and focus. It makes a contrast with the charcoal color wall in the dining room and makes the photo frames on the charcoal wall more outstanding and helps to balance the visual.

逸樺園 追求簡約品味,因此設計師刻意以白色為主調,讓室內洋溢明澄的現代氣息。我們運用原則長形佈局,我們巧妙連貫客、飯廳。落地玻璃更連接室內外光線,更加開揚。配合暖色燈光佈置、原木色傢俱,層次感大增,溫馨洋溢。度身訂造廚房浴室裝修,就是全新感覺的家。 THE ORCHARDS Our client would like his flat to be simple and warm. Therefore, we use white as the main color with warm lightings. There are lightings in a row and a suspended lamp to create a genial ambiance. The living room is in a rectangular shape. We make use of the space and separate a dining area from the room. The bedrooms are designed with different themes according to the owners' hobbies and habits. The bedrooms are made use of similar materials with each other so that they could become a consistent home. In this way, the house is of clear zoning and nice enough for different functions.

CAPRI III 另一間 Capri 單位的實境圖,全屋裝修連度身訂造傢私,更貼合屋型和主戶需要。客廳電視牆用上立體磚紋,更有質感。客廳、飯廳並列,善用長方空間。飯廳亦訂造了落地組合櫃,當中有鏤空的部份,更可擺放精美的擺件。組合櫃設計成圓角,更有特色。陳列位置安置了燈槽,讓訪客可以欣賞精美擺件。廚房用上了趟門,更裱上愛犬圖片,讓屋內充滿生氣。主人房附有地台幫助分區,同時下層亦可揭起,安放物品,不其然增加空間面積。 CAPRI III We helped to prepare the whole renovation project and bespoke furniture. We use 3D brick wallpaper to cover the TV wall, so it has a more detailed texture. We divide the rectangular space into the living room and dining room. We design and make a large cupboard in the dining room. There is a specially designed round corner for the cupboard. There is also an area with lighting for putting the exquisite display. On the other side, it is the kitchen door printed with a dog picture which makes the house energetic. To help with zoning and storage, there is a platform deck in the master room also.

CAPRI II 單位是戶主夫婦與一對仔女一起居住的。由於有小朋友的關係,屋內部份陵角都改為圓角,色調也以柔和自然為主,適合一家人生活,溫馨洋溢。客廳、飯廳和鋼琴為長方佈局,統一一致,有條不紊。飯廳後安裝了一道磁石牆,相片 、Memo可以隨興拼貼,家庭關係更親近。 CAPRI II The owner is a family with kids, so we make all the corners of furniture round in shape and pastels be the main colors. The living room, dining room, and piano corner are arranged neatly in a rectangular shape. The is a collage wall beside the dining table so that the members could paste their photos and artwork there. This helps to reinforce family bonding.

CAPRI I 一家四口希望打造一個充滿溫馨感的單位,設計團隊通過暖色系顏色和暖光的運用,加上布藝傢俱和小擺件,營造出溫暖家庭的感覺,客廳中更有個新派粉色神櫃,團隊以原木色、啡色和白色等溫暖色系為主色,增加客廳的空間感。客廳使用了假天花燈配上吊燈,家裡光源多,有暖色系的燈光和露台大玻璃的自然採光,營造出溫暖、明亮的居家環境。單位的樓高有10尺,在設計上,儲物櫃伸延到天花頂,以增加收納空間。由客廳到主人房,都是以淺色系色調為主。而屋主有一仔一女,大廳及房間均配有他們自己喜歡的顏色作為主題顏色,而陪襯的顏色則是每間房間一樣,以增加整個單位的一致性。 CAPRI I Our client is a 4-members happy family. We use warm lightings and colors to create a sweet and warm ambiance. Wooden is the main material in the house. It is natural and soft. The height of the flat is over 10 feet, so we design a wardrobe up to the ceiling to increase the storage area. The cabinet for worship is in use of pastel colors. It is avant-garde and makes it consistent with other furniture in the house. The rooms are also in pastel colors which are the family kids' favorite.

顯峰 主人為一對的年輕夫婦,設計上以溫馨和諧為主。由於房間較細,我們把兩房打通,衣櫃由主人房伸延到書房,增加共用空間。主人房雙人床面窗,同時亦訂造了梳妝檯供使用。書房大型書架,可幫助安放主人的大量書籍。 GLORIOUS PEAK The flat is designed for a young couple and so the design concept is warm and calm. The rooms are relatively small and so we make the master room extend to the study room to increase the mutual space. There are a bespoke dresser and bookshelf also.